From all of us at SpeedLA Dating we would like to wish you and yours Happy Holidays and a cheeky New Year!
Hi Jocelyn,
Thank you for your question; it is not an easy one as everyone’s situation is different. The one thread that is true for all of us is that the first date is very much a ‘honeymoon’ date. We rarely tread too deep and it’s easy to feel ‘drunk’ in the moment of someone new showing interest in us. The second date is really the true test. It’s the second visit to that house you might want to buy, the second test drive on that new car and the second dinner with that guy you think you remember liking from a couple of weeks ago. If you do not feel a ‘click’ of any kind, chances are he doesn’t either, or worse he does and senses that you don’t! It’s very important that we put as much effort into that second date as we did the first and don’t assume he will do all the running. Men stress so much about securing that first date, that after the second he may feel it’s time you chased a bit.
Hi Stephanie,
Thank you for your great question, you are not the first to ask and I am sure you won’t be the last!
Indeed this can be approached like ‘adults’ as you say, but invariably, the problems do not lay in the approach but rather in the outcome. You do not mention if there are any seniority issues, this will inevitably lead to problems. If one of you answers to the other in the workplace I would most certainly say leave well alone. However, if you are on the same level and your workplace is not an overly-serious one, then there is hope. Let’s face it, most of us spend more time at work then we do anywhere else. We see our co-workers more than our friends and family. This doesn’t necessarily mean though that you know someone all that well; remember if he is like most of us at work, you are seeing his best side in that 8-10 hour window. Another reason for concern is that you must think about what your job means to you, if say, things don’t work out. Will you be able to face him every day? Or what if you have a fight the previous night; can you behave cordially at work the next day for the sake of your co-workers?
This is an age-old question for a darn good reason. There are many options to weigh and each situation is unique to the individuals. If you can answer the above questions and feel that you can do this with no regrets, why not give it a go? Please tread carefully Stephanie and do weigh all of the possible outcome scenarios first. If things don’t work out, SpeedLA Dating is always here for you.
Hi Lori,
Thanks for your great question, this is an interesting one. First of all, I would like to know a bit more about how much you actually do know about the family of this great guy. Is it a case of, you have seen pictures, you know their names and his general feelings towards them, you just haven’t met them yet? Or…is it that you have been to his apartment several times, there are no signs of any family pictures, he clams up like a frightened crab at the very mention of family and his speed dial and email inbox are completely empty?! If we are talking about the latter, then there might be some serious red flags here. He could have some commitment issues, or he may be hiding something from you. Of course, there are those that have had problematic upbringings and a complicated family. They just don’t want to talk about family until they are ready. This can be a sign of tremendous baggage and depending on your needs and how much of a shoulder you are willing to be, this could be a road you may not want to go down.
If, on the other hand, we are talking about my former suggestion, then I really feel that there is no need for alarm, not at this stage. Plenty of us love our family…but like them at arm’s length. We have their pictures up, enjoy once a month phone calls and getting together with them is a special occasion akin to Leap Years'.
It’s only been 4 months – if things stay the same after the first year, then I would start to be concerned.
For a little history with your Halloween, you can always take your date on one of the countless classic Hollywood tours that crop up like candy corn in your trick or treat tote this time of year. Hollywood Forever Cemetery takes you straight to the scary source, with graveyard tours ranging from a Jewish history themed stroll to the aptly named "Cemetery of The Stars" Tour, which takes you to the tombstones of luminaries like Valentino and Vampira.
Full info is available here: http://www.cemeterytour.com/. If the cemetery isn't exactly your ideal seduction scene, how about the classic back of the car situation? That's what you get when you book a Haunted Hollywood Tour, which takes you to the Tate House, Marilyn Monroe's haunted mirror, the Manson Massacre site and the OJ Simpson murder scene. Because nothing says sexy quite like 'if the glove doesn't fit...' Check out the full scary scoop at http://www.
If the whole haunted house thing is too tame for your trick or treat tête-à-tête, take a walk on the wild side -- or at least a trip back in time -- and check out horror classic "Halloween" at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery on the day itself, courtesy of Cinespia (http://www.cinespia.org/
Hi Molly,
Thank you for your question; it is a great and frequent one. I always say that there is no science to knowing when that someone becomes simply that ‘one’. People get caught up in the timing and the exact feeling. The bottom line is, when you know, you know and it shouldn’t take too long. To be honest Molly, if you’re not feeling it after 4 months, I doubt you will after 5 or 6.
Hi Robyn,
Thank you for your question; it is one I have heard quite often since moving to LA. I personally am against all talks of marriage within the first year of dating someone. The only exception would be if it were something you both obviously wanted to do and mutually discussed in unison. Otherwise, if the subject is weighing on your mind and has not been mentioned, chances are it’s not weighing on his mind. Why do you feel the need to discuss this after 2 months? I think you might be focusing prematurely on the thought of ‘marriage’ and losing sight of figuring out whether you really like the relationship you are in. If you do and everything moves along well, the rest will follow naturally.
Hi Jack,
This is a love-hate question for me. I love it because it takes us all back to the playground and I hate it because I thoroughly oppose all game-playing! The simple answer is, call when you feel you want to call. Don’t over analyze what she might think. Women like attention, we like that you built up the courage to call and acted like it was nothing. Let her smile to herself and wait a few hours before she calls you back, she feels in control and you’ve made her smile without realizing it. Don’t wait!
If you haven’t already been to Zappos.com, it’s definitely a go-to site to check out when searching for that perfect first date outfit. My top three reasons to love Zappos.com are as follows: their new home page, “Zeta”, their culture, and the site’s fantastic selection of items and search/filtering system.
Home Page
“Zeta” kicks the old homepage’s butt! Instead of the old home page focus on shoes, Zeta organizes items into categories delineated by pictures and links to subcategories (ie. “Women’s Clothing” links to tops, shorts, skirts, etc.). Zeta also features a “View All Departments” click-down menu in the top left corner, as well as an alphabetical brand index across the top of the page.
The bottom of the page features “What’s New” and “Top Sellers” categories sorted by Men’s, Women’s, and Kids’, as well as a “Find What You Need Quickly” section sorted by gender, special interest, and specialty site.
The homepage also publicizes some of Zappos’ uber cool policies, such as free shipping, free returns, and free return shipping, 24/7 customer service, weekly free clothing give-aways, and Zappos’ safe shopping guarantee.
Zappos is renowned in business circles for the entrepreneurial values which led to its tremendous growth and success. Zappos’ core values include, “deliver WOW through service”, “embrace and drive change”, and “create fun and a little weirdness”, and it succeeds at all three.
The site is personal, fun, and creative, with blogs on topics ranging from snacks to movies to exercise, videos, such as “How Big is Pat’s Noggin?”, and videos of real people sharing their Zappos stories. Additional features include twitter links, community involvement projects, customer testimonials, and pictures of “furry customers” and “customers-in-training”.
Women’s Clothing
Zappos has a ridiculously specific search system. When searching for Women’s Clothing, one can narrow down by item type, popular items, or a quick search feature which searches items by style, size, width, and color. Additional means of narrowing down include searching clothing category, specialty size, brand, new and sale items, and recommended items.
If you’re looking for a perfect first-date dress, click “Dresses”, and prepare to be amazed! You can narrow your choices by dress type (A-line, empire, high waist dresses, etc.), size, color, brand, and price. Below this feature, 20 pages of dresses are shown, and may be sorted by newest, most popular, name, low price, and high price.
Once you find the dress of your dreams, Zappos provides product information, complete with a glossary of terms, as well as “Add to Favorites”, “Share This Product”, and “Tell a Friend” features. Reviews are enabled, and brand information is included. Customers may even opt to be notified by email when new styles of the brand are added to the site. Zappos also offers free overnight shipping on clothing.
Written by: Lauren Blackwell - SpeedUSA Group Resident Blogger
Hi Cindy, thank you for your question – love the small trips out of town, so much fun! Considering where you are, it will be no surprise to you that I am thinking Santa Barbara. One of my most favorite understated hotels in Santa Barbara is the Montecito Inn on Coast Village Road. It’s a beautiful boutique hotel with a wonderful restaurant and bar. They do run specials for reservations made Sunday through Thursday and it is quaint enough to not scream ‘too special’. Continental breakfast is complimentary with your reservation and all the rooms are extremely modern with HBO, DVD /CD players and high-speed internet access. Gourmet dining is available through room service. If the weather is bad by any bad stroke of luck – there are plenty of things to do within the hotel. The Montecito Inn boasts a state-of-the-art exercise room, massage therapy, heated pool, Jacuzzis and wonderful saunas. Lunch, dinner and beverage service is also available poolside. I think it’s a beautiful place to have a relaxing few days without going over the top. Take a drive up and see for yourself – Valet parking is complimentary too.
Hi Jackie, Thank you for your question – this is a strange one! What an uncomfortable position for you to be in I must say. First things first, the only easy way to slide out of this one is to do away with the relationship. That way there are no hurt feelings – no boyfriend, no bridesmaid for sister of boyfriend right? We could write pages on why this girl has no one closer in her life or why she latched on to you (perhaps she really wants her brother to get married, now that she is making that commitment) and is forcing it a little bit) Who knows…like I said; pages! If you really feel that this relationship isn’t really going anywhere, then get out now. Why prolong something you are not that into and maybe you can slope off before the measuring tape comes out for the dresses! I would love to know how things turn out, stay in touch.
Brian, Toluca Lake
So I’ve got this girl I like. We’ve been pretty exclusive for about 5 months. This is going to sound stupid, but I hate her music. No really, I despise her music. I’m not picky on music, I like most music, but this isn’t music. It sounds like New Age – spiritual – lots of harps – type music. It’s really the only thing I don’t like about her. So Anoush – help me out!
Hi Brian, Thank you for your question, this is a delicate one! Music can be such an important part of our lives and bonding over certain songs with your other half can be quite meaningful and create lasting memories. You didn’t say if this is her exclusive music of choice or if like you, she is open to other styles. I suggest that you play certain songs to her and let her know that you really like them and see how she reacts. Perhaps she can listen to her music when you are out or doing something else and you can still then have your songs that you enjoy together. As a music lover myself, I find it very important to agree on this and I wish you the best of luck in bringing her around to your taste. On the same hand, you should make every attempt to try to like some of her choices; maybe you have not heard them all! Let me know how it goes.
Hi Jimmy, Thank you for your question, in these times it is not a rare one, so I thought it a great one to share. Contrary to popular opinion there are quite a few options for a fun time in LA that doesn’t pull too hard on the purse strings. For a daytime date I always love the idea of spending a few hours down at the Santa Monica pier. There is so much to do there and not expensive! The arcade is sure to bring out the kids in you and see each other in a more relaxed environment. If you are feeling a little romantic and want to get snuggly, grab a couple of tickets to ride the Ferris wheel. For a romantic and lovely evening out, there are a few great restaurants on Ventura in Studio City and Sherman Oaks where you can have a lovely meal without the usual LA prices. I personally love Il Tiramisu in Sherman Oaks. A romantic setting without being too intimate, Il Tiramisu offers a fantastic bar, superb authentic Italian food and very pleasant staff to boot! The food is divine and you can enjoy a great meal and a couple of drinks for around $65. Not the cheapest in town but definitely one of the best as far as value for money is concerned. Other honorable mentions are Café Bizou just up the street. Also if you are over on the Westside and fancy an inexpensive but delicious meal – check out Panini on Sunset in West Hollywood. They have the best pizza in LA!
Hi Jessica, Thank you for your lovely question. It didn’t take me any time at all to come up with an answer. I have the perfect go-to spot, not too romantic, not unromantic either. Your answer awaits you at Café Bizou. I can’t say enough good things about this oasis in the valley. By far the best California-French fare for miles around. If you want to lean gently towards the romantic side (and I did say gently, so don’t panic!) request to be seated on the patio. Otherwise, inside is great too. I just find if a night is going to go well, it’s always nicer to be outside under the heat lamps - if it goes terribly you’re that much closer to Valet! The food is simply excellent (for a heavenly dish order the lobster special) there is a fabulous full bar and extensive wine list. Perfect setting, not too much, not too little and great prices too. You will not go wrong, I’m guaranteeing this one!
Hi Steve, Thanks for your question love, I’m sure you’re not alone in this common angst. I like to believe I am not alone in my love for Sephora. Before you panic at the thought of walking in and feeling completely lost - have no fear – www.sephora.com is here. Cue the orchestra! Sephora really has come to us from above! Ladies love it. Not only because there is everything under one roof that we could possibly ever want, but and this is where you come in, they have the most fantabulous , and affordable gifts. A couple of my personal favorites that Sephora.com has at the moment are the Marc Jacobs Daisy Deluxe Gift Set ($87 value only $65!) Not only does this box set include a bottle of Marc Jacobs perfume but also the matching body lotion and shower gel! You are not going to go wrong there and your lady will smell so divine. Another favorite of mine is the Nars Body Glow gift set, only $49, I would be tickled pink to receive this and would give you major points! Let me know what you decide upon and how it goes!
Hi Marcus, thank you for your question, this is an interesting situation. Without knowing too many details, I would suggest a slow start – no sudden movements! You are obviously already aware of the fear of scaring her off, so that is good. All too often, men are not intuitive to this and make direct movements or sudden demands. You both have been seeing other people so you both have an equal footing and say in how things go forward. I would start by securing more nights together, or day trips whichever your schedule allows for. Basically the message you want to get across to her is that she is number one on your list. You never know she may be feeling the same way and isn’t sure how to approach you. Once you have a few more great dates, maybe elevated in terms of where you go, small gifts for her, increased phone calls etc...Then I would advise that you arrange a special dinner date. On this special date, take it up a notch – nice restaurant, flowers when you pick her up, lay the romance on thick! If this night goes well and you feel it’s mutual, then you are in a good place to have ‘the conversation’. Maybe you’ll want to have the talk that night, maybe you’ll wait until a few days after…you’ll know. Let me know how things develop, I love updates!