Ask Anoush! Have a dating question? Need help navigating the dating world? Simply e-mail Anoush with your question and she'll answer it right here.
- Diane - Altadena
I really like this guy I’ve been dating. How do I move the relationship along without him freaking out that ‘I’m moving the relationship on’?
Hi Diane,
Thank you for your interesting question. I would like to know more details, such as how long you have been dating and what you mean exactly by “moving the relationship on”. However, I think in most instances, this is a tough one if only one side wants to nudge along. If for example, you have been dating a while and you would like to move in together, this can be tackled in a gentle way. You can get a good read on him, if this is what your intentions are, by staying over more often, leaving things of yours at his place and of course, doing the ‘pop-in’ far more frequently! This should start to give you a good barometer reading on where he thinks you guys are heading. If he starts to neatly keep all your things together in a box by his front door, protests that suddenly he has to start getting up early for work or answering his door less and less it could be that you are pointing north and he’s pointing south, my dear. Good luck and let me know how it goes!
- Jesse - Burbank
I’m a first time Speed Dater, any advice?
Hi Jesse,
Thank you for your great question, I get asked this one all the time! Most people are nervous the first time they do anything and speed dating is no exception. My best advice to you is just to be you. There is nothing that you can do wrong, there are no wrong answers. The absolute worst possible scenario is that you do not feel that “click”. Chances are it’s mutual, so who cares? In a few minutes you’ll be on to the next potential date-mate! Ask questions that you genuinely care to hear the answer to, not general, predictable questions. Listen to the answers you hear as opposed to waiting to ask your next question. If you really listen, you can start a good conversation within a minute. Some people tend to get into ‘interview’ mode and panic about the time that is ticking away. It takes a few moments to start a good conversation and if you both enjoy it, chances are you’ll have a match…and you can continue the conversation at a later date.
- Janet - Silverlake
I’ve been dating my sister’s ex, ex, ex, ex boyfriend.:) for about 2 months now. Every time I think about telling her, I go from thinking shecouldn’t care less to moving any sharp items out of her house. They were together for a very short while a very long time ago. I don’t want to be an evil sister, what do I do?
Hi Janet,
This is a very interesting question, thank you for writing in.
The first thing you must do is tell your sister. The longer it goes on, the more you will hurt her in the long run. The worst part is surely not that you are seeing someone from her past but that you could not tell her? If she really liked this guy, something would have come of the relationship in the first place. I am sure she will understand and wish you guys nothing but the best… just don’t wait much longer in telling her what’s going on!