First order of business is to grab a bite...or channel your inner Elvis and grab a hunka hunka burning cheese fries at Los Feliz’s House of Pies Restaurant & Bakery (1869 N. Vermont Ave, Los Angeles). Whether its early morning or late night (House of Pies is open until 2AM nightly – perfect for those nocturnal nosh sessions, which happen to prevent nocturnal sob sessions), leave your heartache and American Express at the door (prices cap off at $15 and that’s for the ritzy din din options). No matter the hour, the atmosphere is always homey, cozy and cheery…there’s no place like House of Pies, there’s no place like House of Pies, there’s no place like House of Pies. Except maybe of course in Kansas. The crowd is fairly oddjob – both the family style interior and people-watching outdoor patio (be careful of hipster sightings) attract mamabears and papabears, thirty something couples and indeterminate aged artists. The home style menu teases you with everything from pancakes to western burgers to strawberry pies. Shakira may be She Wolf but you get to SheWolfsss at House of Pies.
After your House of Pies binge-a-thon (rest in peace cheese fries), roll your broken heart/broken wallet self on over to Manhattan Beach’s the Strand for your second dose of treatment. The Strand is a three mile (you can make it a little longer or a little less depending on how conscious you are post- House of Pies sugar smackdown) oceanside walk path lining Manhattan Beach’s toniest homes…uh I meant MEGA toniest homes. Prime time at the Strand tends to be around 3pmish and later aka when the stock market closes and stock brokers pound the pavement in their pumas. Park in one of Manhattan’s metered lots adjacent to Manhattan Beach Boulevard or in front of the Manhattan Pier and walk off your heartache…and heartburn. You can recharge while heading north towards El Porto or south towards Hermosa Beach, and while both offer stunning views (of the ocean….although equally stunning views of parked Bentleys), the Hermosa Beach section of the Strand tends to be livelier.
Warning: some Strand-walkers have been known to make a detour to the rowdy Hermosa Pier to hydrate themselves…with Corona. See, exercise is fun. The only thing I would recommend (besides a sun-shielding Dodgers cap, for my fellow Snow Whites – bronze beauties may disregard this suggestion) is to bring a dog on your Strand stroll. Whether it’s a friend’s dog, a stuffed dog or even a robotic dog (arguably the most difficult dog of all to take care of), nothing promotes impromptu Strand convos than a leashed canine. Jogging hedge fund managers trip over each other (they travel in packs) to chat up girls with a pup in tow. There can be absolutely no canine substitutions, I once tried bringing a gigapet with zero success. Perhaps it was Comic-Con weekend.
Written by: Meredith McKenna - SpeedLA Dating Resident Blogger