If you seek yuppie, then Audi your way on over to Manhattan Beach, a yuppie hotbed. Manhattan Beach breeds its own unique brand of yuppie, think 80s Gordon Gekko with a splash of surfer mentality. "Greed is good....bro." Greek is also good...bro, so if you're swooning a new yuppie, give her that champagne on the beach treatment and whisk her away to Petros Greek Cuisine and Lounge (451 Manhattan Beach Boulevard, Manhattan Beach). Petros is an incredibly inviting and intimate atmosphere; one feels as though he's wafting through his own Greek Villa as opposed to a fussy, conventional establishment. Cozy up to a table in the refined indoor area or on the romantic outdoor patio. Either way, total high class, zero sass ambiance. Note that the austere interior complements the explosive food.
The extensive menu features all of your favorites (pizza, pasta, chicken) yet in delectable authentic Greek form (translation: add a smorgasbord of eggplant, feta cheese and olives...gotta get that boom boom Greek). In today's trying economy, even yuppies have to pinch pennies (in yuppie speak: "pinch Porsches") so no need to bring your big fat Greek wallet. Instead, relax at the bar and order a couple of Espresso Vittis and give the Nikos Saganaki a whirl. What a whirl it will be - feta cheese coated with sesame seeds and sprinkled with honey. Despite sounding like exotic bird food, its divine human food and after just one taste not a morsel of Nikos Saganaki shall be spared..or often times shared! Mama mia!
Post-Nikos Saganaki devouring spree, saunter 15 feet across from Petros patio (when prowling for yuppies, always be in sau
nter mode) to Sashi Sushi and Sake Lounge (try saying that three Espresso Vittis fast) at 451 Manhattan Beach Boulevard in Manhattan Beach. There couldn't be a sharper contrast between the humming, classic Petros and the buzzing, vibrant Sashi. While both are glamorous, Petros draws an elegant Yale-esque yuppie while Sashi welcomes an exuberant USC-ish yuppie. Further, Petros is more first date whereas Sashi is more first bait. Be prepared to get charmed over BMW 3 series small talk as single yuppies of all ages ready to bite line the walls of this scintillating Asian-inspired restaurant/lounge. It boasts a dynamic sushi menu and heavenly drinks. At Sashi, one absolutely must partake in the the drink de yuppie, which is the mint mojito. It tastes as though you're drinking gummy bears. Gimme gimme more (gummy!) So saddle up in your six cylinder and enjoy yuppiedom.
Petros Greek Cuisine - Manhattan Beach
Sashi Sushi and Sake Lounge - Manhattan Beach
Written by: Meredith McKenna - SpeedLA Dating Resident Blogger