The Golf Land offers a variety of deals, for instance you can rent or purchase a club for the same price of $5. Yes, allow me to repeat that you can rent or purchase a club for the same price of $5. Break me off a piece of that fuzzy math. Their golf packages start off at $6 for 80 balls before 3pm. How’s that for majestic? From 3pm – 11pm, you get 63 balls for $6. Their other specials include $12 for 160 balls, $18 for 240 and $24 for 320, however, if yo
u’re new to the golf scene then teeing up to 80 balls for the uno time is highly recommended. How highly? Any more than 80 swings will put your hands smack dab into blister territory and there’s no scarier enemy than an angry blister. Except one thing…multiple angry blisters.

So make like Tiger and tee up on one of the three tiered levels, all offering sweeping views of the Hollywood Hills. The balls are automatically dispensed (again, oh so majestic) so there is no opportunity to “bend and snap” a la Elle Woods. Instead if you’re sans suitor and swinging solo, chat up the golfer next to you. Chances are he will probably chat you up first as unsolicited golf tips are generously offered – especially for those that can’t distinguish a seven iron from a straightening iron. Guilty! Most of the customers are men, and by “most” I mean all, so come prepared in your favorite argyle skirt (where else besides a driving range can you get away with argyle? Besides Connecticut?).
Also, what’s particularly enchanting about the Golf Land is that most of the custom
ers are not only men but Korean men. Korean men who not only like to hit a golf ball, but to hit a golf ball while listening to Korean pop and rap music, as each tiered level has radios buzzing with Korea’s hottest hits. If that’s not simply majestic then I don’t know what is. So add some majesticness to your summer date night or strike it solo and see you at the Golf Land.