Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Bear, a Drink and 16 Men

Dating in Los Angeles is hard. Nothing about a coffee shop on every block, the 405 freeway at rush hour or the smog at any hour, exudes romance. So what is a girl to do? I sought an answer through a friend of mine who recommended I try Speed Dating by a new company based in Beverly Hills, SpeedLA Dating. Speed Dating they say – UK Style. Unsure exactly what UK style was, I approached with caution. The night arrived and I was greeted at the door by several British hosts. All personable and all with good teeth – the LA smile has made its mark on the Brits. After being checked in, I was given the option of a make-over by a professional make-up artist who was just off to the side primping another woman. More than a make-over, I needed a drink. I bypassed the make-up artist and the woman, waved and headed for the bar. Martini in hand with SpeedLA nibbles abound, I was given all the tools I would need for the night; a SpeedLA Scorecard, logo pen and instructions on how to find Marylebone, SpeedLA’s resident bear.

Prior to intermission, Marylebone would be hidden and should I find the bear in question, I would win $50. With gas prices at $4 per gallon, I made it my new mission in life. I was briefed that I would meet 16 men; we would chat for 6 minutes and then rotate to the next dater. One minute longer than my last relationship. The following 2 hours was a whirlwind of dating. With some men I dated I found the 6 minutes not nearly long enough while others allowed me the necessary time to plot out my course in finding the bear. The night ended. I selected my Date-Mates, the top 5 men I would most like to date again and handed the scorecard to my nearest host. With choices on the score card ranging from “Never in a million years” to “Fancy a go”, filling out the scorecard was half the fun.

Before leaving, I spoke with the owner, Anoush, an authentic Brit herself. I couldn’t help but ask about her first name. I don’t remember meeting many Anoush’s on my last trip to London. She answered she was half British, half Armenian, and grew up in England. My response, “Which half is the better half?” to which she coyly responded “Depends on which side of the family is asking”. Anoush is both witty and professional and seems to have created something unique. So exactly what is Speed Dating – UK Style? Anoush says “It is a lovely bit of fun, in a sophisticated setting.” Did I meet the man of my dreams? Not quite. Did I have a ‘lovely bit of fun’ I think I might have – UK style. For anyone who is keeping track, I never did find the bear. The woman I had waved at earlier, receiving the make-over, found the bear, won the $50 and left with a date-mate! I really have to stop drinking.