Monday, November 30, 2009

Tis the Season...

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Kwanzaa, Channukah or Festivus, it's hard to deny that the holidays are here -- as much as the 70+ degree weather might have you thinking otherwise. From the themed commercials to the endless loop of lunacy-inducing carols already playing everywhere from the market to the mall, it seems like everybody's getting into the holiday spirit. And, as much as you bah humbug, you have to admit, it's kind of infectious. Then again, isn't everything, in this swine flu season?

But don't worry. Even though we're in sunny southern California, there are plenty of options for those of us who just can't shake the urge to indulge in a little seasonal something or other, and the good news is that you can definitely drag your significant other along and make it a date.

If lights are your thing, check out the annual DWP Holiday Light Festival in Griffith Park - which goes on all month. This display of festive sculptures made out of the ubiquitous strands of electric-bill-killing Christmas lights, will put that puny little light display on your roof to shame. Of course, it's always nice to take a stroll through all that seasonal spirit - and to see that the extra bucks on your post-holiday electric bill really are going to a good cause - or at least a bright one. For more info, check out For more light love, check out Candy Cane Lane on the corner of Lubao and Oxnard Street in Woodland Hills, where sweet suburbia gets a jolt of holiday cheer in the form of some serious neighborhood-wide hall decking. And, get your highfalutin' holiday cheer fix driving through the tony Hollywood suburb of Hancock Park, where everyone from the Mayor to the Cunninghams (yes, of Happy Days fame) have been known to spread the Santa-lovin' cheer with jolly light displays and those creepy animatronic lawn reindeer.

If you're craving a Christmas that's more white than light, I've got bad news for you -- it ain't gonna happen. Yes, it did snow in Malibu in 2007, but unfortunately it all melted before you could get through the chorus of a Bing Crosby carol. So, if snow is what you're craving, the closest you're going to come around here is an ice skating rink. The good news is that the LA area has plenty of those. LA Live's got a rink going all December downtown (, and the regular rink at Pershing Square ( is open for its twelfth season this year courtesy of LA Parks. There's also outdoor skating in Santa Monica (, outdoor skating in Woodland Hills ( and a classic indoor rink in Culver City ( With skates and admission averaging around $12 per person, you'll have plenty left over for the inevitable bandages and bruise creams.

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Night For Suzanne...

November 30th 2009, is a very special night dedicated to all those who have been affected by or lost someone close to Cancer. Suzanne was the epitome of all we at SpeedLA strive to be; a true class act, always graceful and always cheeky! A victim of Lung Cancer in 2003, this is a night to celebrate her life and all those that were taken far too soon.

A night for love and a night to give back. For those that have their own Cancer charity of choice, simply make a donation to your charity, e-mail Anoush, let her know you did and you are all set. SpeedLA is donating our hosts, our make-up artists, the venue, the appetizers and of course, our Marley prize so that 100% of your donation goes straight to Joan Gaeta Lung Cancer Foundation. Simply put Joan Gaeta Lung Cancer Foundation in the memo line of your purchase for a lovely tax deduction to boot.

You can donate by purchasing your tickets here or by going straight to If you choose to donate directly, e-mail us with confirmation and you are on our Guest List. To read more about the Joan Gaeta Lung Cancer Foundationyou can visit

Same great fun, same charming hosts, same gorgeous nibbles and same cheeky-fun!

"New York's famed One Group (One, Coco de Ville, Tenjune) have launched this two-story spot that's ripe for the Hollywood crowd's picking."

"I walked through the venue without even noticing the tables of daters; SpeedLA events are so chic and low key you might just walk right by." LA Talk

SpeedLA Dating - 'A Night For Suzanne - Charity Event

Written by: SpeedLA Dating

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sweet Love Hangover @ Playhouse

Fabulously flirty ... seductively romantic... playfully chic. This is what has come to define the undefinable, Playhouse. Set within this fantasyland of fun and wonderment, is the ground floor - Sweet Love Hangover.

With a wink to pop culture and a nod to the classics, Sweet Love Hangover is one part play, 2 parts cheeky with a twist of curiousity.

Mingle with SpeedLA Dating at Sweet Love Hangover and come back to Playhouse - with our compliments. Along with our usual Signature Perks, each dater will receive their own exclusive pass for Playhouse.

Sip on Sweet Love Hangover's dreamy Martini's while you take in the intoxicating moment. Chat up our personable British hosts while
you mingle, mix and match - UK Style. Find your playful side in one of LA's hottest spots - All the exclusivity minus the attitude - Sweet Love Hangover @ Playhouse Hollywood.

"The buzz on Playhouse has been building for years, with longtime L.A. club stalwart Elie Samaha and his Muse Lifestyle Group"

"Smack dab in the middle of Hollywood’s burgeoning nightlife scene. The nearly 13,000-square foot nightclub (designed by the same design firm behind STK and Villa, Manhattan-based Icrave), aims to dazzle." Los Angeles Times 2009

"I also tried some other companies, though I preferred Anoush and SpeedLA (call it first timer’s loyalty, the cute accents, I don’t know)" LA2DAY

"SpeedLA Dating is the hippest way to meet quality singles." LA Talk

Monday, November 2, 2009

Ask Anoush! All Things Dating Advice

Ask Anoush! Have a dating question? Need help navigating the dating world? Simply e-mail Anoush with your question and she'll answer it right here.

  • Jocelyn – Redondo Beach
    Lately, when I go on dates they never get past the 3rd date. The first and second dates seem like their going well but for whatever reason, they fizzle out. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Any advice?

Hi Jocelyn,
Thank you for your question; it is not an easy one as everyone’s situation is different. The one thread that is true for all of us is that the first date is very much a ‘honeymoon’ date. We rarely tread too deep and it’s easy to feel ‘drunk’ in the moment of someone new showing interest in us. The second date is really the true test. It’s the second visit to that house you might want to buy, the second test drive on that new car and the second dinner with that guy you think you remember liking from a couple of weeks ago. If you do not feel a ‘click’ of any kind, chances are he doesn’t either, or worse he does and senses that you don’t! It’s very important that we put as much effort into that second date as we did the first and don’t assume he will do all the running. Men stress so much about securing that first date, that after the second he may feel it’s time you chased a bit.

  • Stephanie – Long Beach
    I work with guy I really like. I know that dating someone you work with is almost an oxymoron, but I don’t know what to do. I feel like if we both approached it like adults, it could work and if itdidn’t, we could still be co-workers. Am I dreaming?

Hi Stephanie,
Thank you for your great question, you are not the first to ask and I am sure you won’t be the last!
Indeed this can be approached like ‘adults’ as you say, but invariably, the problems do not lay in the approach but rather in the outcome. You do not mention if there are any seniority issues, this will inevitably lead to problems. If one of you answers to the other in the workplace I would most certainly say leave well alone. However, if you are on the same level and your workplace is not an overly-serious one, then there is hope. Let’s face it, most of us spend more time at work then we do anywhere else. We see our co-workers more than our friends and family. This doesn’t necessarily mean though that you know someone all that well; remember if he is like most of us at work, you are seeing his best side in that 8-10 hour window. Another reason for concern is that you must think about what your job means to you, if say, things don’t work out. Will you be able to face him every day? Or what if you have a fight the previous night; can you behave cordially at work the next day for the sake of your co-workers?
This is an age-old question for a darn good reason. There are many options to weigh and each situation is unique to the individuals. If you can answer the above questions and feel that you can do this with no regrets, why not give it a go? Please tread carefully Stephanie and do weigh all of the possible outcome scenarios first. If things don’t work out, SpeedLA Dating is always here for you.

  • Lori – Hollywood Hills
    I’ve been dating this great guy for about 4 months now. Everything is going good but I have yet to meet any of his family or friends. Every time I ask I feel like I’m pestering him. He’s been telling me next week – next week for more weeks than I can count. Is he embarrassed of me or hiding something of his own?

Hi Lori,
Thanks for your great question, this is an interesting one. First of all, I would like to know a bit more about how much you actually do know about the family of this great guy. Is it a case of, you have seen pictures, you know their names and his general feelings towards them, you just haven’t met them yet? Or…is it that you have been to his apartment several times, there are no signs of any family pictures, he clams up like a frightened crab at the very mention of family and his speed dial and email inbox are completely empty?! If we are talking about the latter, then there might be some serious red flags here. He could have some commitment issues, or he may be hiding something from you. Of course, there are those that have had problematic upbringings and a complicated family. They just don’t want to talk about family until they are ready. This can be a sign of tremendous baggage and depending on your needs and how much of a shoulder you are willing to be, this could be a road you may not want to go down.
If, on the other hand, we are talking about my former suggestion, then I really feel that there is no need for alarm, not at this stage. Plenty of us love our family…but like them at arm’s length. We have their pictures up, enjoy once a month phone calls and getting together with them is a special occasion akin to Leap Years'.
It’s only been 4 months – if things stay the same after the first year, then I would start to be concerned.