Friday, April 23, 2010

How about a lil 'Cooking With Gas'?

Looking for a bit of a laugh? Add a little gas to your giggle tank and stop by the Groundlings Theatre on Melrose for their 'Cooking With Gas' Improv Show. Since 1992, the Groundlings Main Company, Alumni and Sunday Companies have played together every Thursday night in the all-improv explosion that has become almost as much of an institution as the Groundling Theatre itself.

Based entirely on audience suggestions, watch as these up and coming, comedic geniuses make you feel like you're the comedy writer. Always fresh, always funny and always a great way to maybe catch a star or two as each week the Groundlings Theatre invite one star to join in. Past guests have included Mike Myers, Quentin Tarantino and D'Angelo, to name a few.

Thursday Nights @ 8:00 p.m.

Tickets are normally $16.50 and can be purchased online at

Quite often you can get tickets for half-priced at .

It's worth having a look at. :)

Written by: SpeedLA Dating