Monday, August 23, 2010

Cafe Wha?

We at SpeedLA Dating take great pride in providing our clients with the absolute, hottest venues in town. One such hot spot is the newly opened Ivan Kane's Cafe Wa s on Vine & Sunset. Now before you cry bad grammar on the name, Cafe Wa s is cleverly named after the sign in front, which would read 'Always Open' if some of the lights weren't burned out. Cafe Wa s strikes a balance between whimsy and logic, theatrical in spirit, at once chic and yet bohemian, located in the heart of Hollywood. Ivan Kane, the legend behind 'Forty Deuce' at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, ups the ante and brings fine dining to an entirely new level.

This bi-level supper club boasts a grand piano in the middle, three bars, mini lounge areas upstairs, and a large patio. The ambiance is both comfortable and awe-inspiring. Few restaurants have personality... And Ivan Kane's Cafe Wa s has a personality you can't get enough of. From the Staircase to
nowhere, the rotating piano, to the feeling of being invited to someones mansion, albeit, someone slightly off his or her rocker, this is the ultimate first date spot. If the date is going well, than the atmosphere is intoxicating. If the date is going badly, one can take the time to figure out 'where exactly does that stairwell go to?'

One important aspect and in these times, incredibly important, is the fact that you get to be taken to a place out of this world...without breaking your bank. Cafe Wa s is a French Bistro with a very reasonable menu. I especially love the canapes. At $3-5 each... one can order to impress. Each is just a few bites and each makes you want anothe
r. The Tuna Tartare canape is my personal favorite.

On the Entree front, the Steak Frites at $27, is a organic premium cut of the day with Cafe Wa s signature fries. If you are feeling especially flush, then the Filet au Poivre at
$34 is a must have. If you have blown all your money on the dreamy canapes, then the Bistro Burger at $15 is a delight with sirloin, prosciutto and those 'Can't get enough' Cafe Wa s fries.

We typically don't boast about our fabulous venues in our blog as to not gloat to
o much, but then again, Cafe Wa s is anything but typical.

SpeedLA Dating @ Ivan Kane's Cafe Was * February 24th 2010

Ivan Kane's Cafe Wa s - Hollywood

Written by:
SpeedLA Dating